This one is all about a pose that could sweep the world. You know how everyone suddenly got into that making a heart with hands thing a while ago? The “TT pose” is the next one of those. It’s like a big visual boo-hoo, and it’s all over the chorus of this catchy tune which comes with an insanely expensive video with lots of random spooky nonsense thrown in.

Subtitles available in the video.

What does theĀ “TT pose” look like?

Here are the girls showing how it’s done.

But boys seem to find it harder. Here is how not to do it.

Who are TWICE?

They are a girl group formed through a reality TV show “Sixteen” on Mnet in 2015. By all accounts, it was a bit of a harsh process which set 16Ā girls from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Thailand against each other in rival teams from the start. One groupĀ were treated like stars, the other had to battle with less resources, and each week they could end up swapping teams or going home.

Actually, it sounds fun to watch, but was wearing on the contestants, and the girls who made it through – especially the ones who battled their way into the star team – ended up looking pretty good and bonding well with viewer fans.

They’re onto their third mini album in just over a year, and their videos rack up tens of millions of plays each, and they’re the first K-pop group to have a debut video (“Like OOH-AHH”) get 100 million plays.

They’ve done it by being insanely likeable with catchy songs, spectacular videos and being a great example of what pop can be when everyone works really, really hard.

Find out more aboutĀ TWICE

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